BTSF in chronological order (most recent articles appear first):

Friday, December 31, 2010

Church for All People

Some folks come to the UM Church for All People (C4AP) because they don't feel welcome at any other church (travesty!).
Some come out of desire to serve under-privileged communities in need.

I come for more selfish reasons.
I come to C4AP because of a conviction that isolating ourselves among believers of similar backgrounds only deprives our own souls of God's majesty. Rich diverse community is how we will know who God is. I have not come to serve the poor. I have come to sit at the feet of those that can show me the face of Christ.
In that regard, I am really spoiled at C4AP.

On Sunday mornings, I have the privilege of worshiping with a beautiful body of believers at C4AP. Together, we worship with the very poor, the very rich, the young, the old, the gay, the straight, many races, many nationalities, many backgrounds. Isolation within our own groups is not what God would have for us. Instead, the early church gives us a model for worshiping together as the diverse body of Christ, and I am convinced that in doing so, we draw nearer to Him. The Triune God is our model: diverse, but unified as One.

What message does it send the world when we will not unite together to worship our Jesus? What does it mean when someone is more welcome on a street corner than they are in a church pew? What does it say about Christ if drug lords are more inviting and less discriminating in their outreach than our pastors? As Christians, we should be on the forefront of inclusively, not limping along in the rear.

We come to Jesus to find comfort, but no one said church would be comfortable. It can be hard to share a meal with the sick, or have an eye-to-eye conversation with the those struggling to get by. But as with so much of Christ's call for our lives, it is worth it! This is not a charitable endeavour, but one that is fundamental for own souls.

You may serve food at a soup kitchen, but have you eaten at the table as well? You may pray for the poor, but do you ask for their prayers as well? Unless we have an attitude of equal partnership and fellowship, we cheapen and divide the body of Christ. Conversely, when we partner with each other in our daily lives, we offer a witness to the world of God's life-altering grace and love.

I have found that C4AP really is a church for ALL people. They accept me at face value, with my odd music styles, with my awkwardness, my privileged background. It reminds me of Cincinnati Vineyard's "Come as you are and you'll be loved," with an added "and God's not finished with you yet." They don't just accept me, they embrace me, they affirm me, and then they challenge me to be better and hold me accountable. This is the kind of deep community that Jesus is talking about. This is how the world will come to know who He is.

It may be that I could do better work serving God at a more homogeneous church, spreading the word or racial justice and helping to cultivate multicultural community there. But for now, I will relish in the luxury of the koinonia that C4AP provides, and try learn as much as I can from my sisters and brothers there. The Church for All People is my home, and I am so grateful for its generosity with me.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Face lift!

I have updated some previous posts, adding pictures, bolding keywords, and directing you to related posts of mine. I think it adds a lot--especially on Katelin in China. I think the added examples there are helpful.

I am also looking to change the overall look of the blog--color scheme ect. I just have no idea what combinations look good together. Open to suggestions from anyone who has some better sense of it.


See Also:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Colbert Report

Just saw this clip from the Colbert Report. I was impressed with what he had to say and it matched many of my thoughts:
Jesus Is a Liberal Democrat

See Also:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I realize I am probably not the first person to make this observation, but it occurs to me that in the United States we have four most prominent holidays:

One for eating (Nov. 25ish)
One for stuff (Dec. 25th)
One for drinking (Dec. 31)
One for explosives (July 4)

Arguably, the next most significant holiday is for sex (Feb. 14)

So here we have a (admittedly reductionist) distillation of what American culture celebrates! ;-)

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Is TSA too invasive?

I think it's funny that for the most part it is the same people that were crying out for tighter homeland security for the past ten years that are now complaining about these new regulations.
Make up your minds already!

You know what I think the difference is? I think it's about who is on the receiving end of the screening. Make sure that those Muslims and A-rabs get the pat down, but don't touch my personal privacy and freedoms! Catch all of those Ne'er Do Wells on the streets, but leave my kids alone.  

Here is a like-minded article:
Civil Liberties: Now With More Privileged People | California NOW
"It is no accident that women have been complaining about being pulled out of line because of their big breasts, having their bodies commented on by TSA officials, and getting inappropriate touching when selected for pat-downs for years now, but just this week it went viral. It is no accident that transgender people have been violated by searches for years, but just this week it went viral. It is no accident that CAIR identified Islamic head scarves (hijab) as an automatic trigger for extra screenings in January, but just this week it went viral. What was different?Suddenly an able-bodied cis-gendered white man is the one who was complaining."

And another:

So whether you think TSA has gone too far, or you think we are still letting terrorists on plans willy-nilly, know what your privileges are....and remember to wear loose shoes when you fly.

See Also:
Troy Davis: Georgia's 'Strange Fruit'
What is a post-9/11 American?
Grateful for God's Protective Favor but...
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By Their Strange Fruit by Katelin H is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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